Monday, January 14, 2008

New Direction with this BLOG!

Okay. I know I have not been on this blog for like at least 8-9 months...
And to be blunt with you I really don't think anyone was reading anyways.!
So I guess now I have to try to get you to read about my boring life somehow else ???
Well lets see
I am Vito
I reside in Mississauga(Greater Toronto Area) Ontario, Canada!
I am usually on the internet. And I always read blogs and get very intrigued about the peoples lives of who's blog I am reading.
I read pretty much any blog. What I read?
I read its more of like a site) and
My life is awkwardly weird, and I am probably one of the strangest people you will ever conversate with...
Well I thought I was going to edit everything today ... But looks like I am not going too...
oh well I am turning 16 on January 16 (2008) And I guess I will do a little sometthing different on that date and add pics and stuff..
Stand By PLEASE as I will add some more BS about the world and stuff like that sooo PLEAS PLEASE PLEASE add to ur faves !!

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