Monday, February 19, 2007

Movie Review:Norbit

Okay So I just watched Norbit, and I have mixed thoughts about it.
When I first saw the preview It looked really good, like a third Big mommas House movie.
Big Mommas House 1 is my favorite movie, the second one sucked. So I was really excited It started and at first it was funny, but Rasputia was over done you could barely laugh at her, and her body size wasn't that big they should have made her more bigger and Eddie Murphy should do better acting... The Movie did bring many problems and the ending was underdone, it resolved so many problems in little time. I guess if you just want to go out, have a good time for 80 Min. Then this is your movie, but if you think spending your 10.50$ on something more "realistically funny" then I would recommend you rent Big Mommas House... Its half the price and Triple the Laughs..

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Okay is it just me or is this weather getting you to...
Okay so i don't have a house, and don't have to do any shoveling, and I really don't mind snow eighther its just this change of seasons like we got winter in Lower Ontario a little later this year, and I couldn't wait for it, NOW its like when will it GO!...
I think its just we go from Hot to cold to really cold then snow, and then spring comes and its starts raining and then hot again, and its just this cycle and it never stays the same ... I love that we get a change BUT just when you you get use to the weather it gets colder or hotter... :(

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You Tube has problems

Okay so what is going on with You Tube like they have a serious problem, like deleting accounts without sending people a notice, okay yes I uploaded like 2 copyrighted videos but so what it was a music video that had the BET logo in the corner, how is that owned by BET when its on umpteen channels ... And remember the good old days when you tube wasn't so damn mainstream, but I have to say that it a good/bad thing that it is sooo mainstream like GOOD: more people know about it and will post videos, and BAD: Too many people will have it and channels will make stupid claims against material...
Both ways I am pissed, How do I know Blogger won't delete my account, cause I am talking about this.... (Both are Google owned) ???????

- Vito

First Blog

Okay so I am really happy about adding a blag (YA)
Anyways gonna plan on using thing a lot and try to stay in contact with things I feel are important SO keep reading and I'll keep posting the juicy stuff

- Vito