Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cell Phone Plans In Canada Outragiously EXPENSIVE

My cousins in America all have like the coolest plans. They have like 600 minutes plus all these free features like caller id and call waiting and voice mail... UNLIMITED evenings and weekdns and rollover minutes, they only pay 39.99 here for that money u can get maximum 250 minutes maybe free weekends and evening and all the other features are extra and it pisses me off ... Canada has nooo interest for Canadians companies like CRTC are just there to make sure that Canadian businesses profit and who benefits from this ... NOT the people of Canada...
But back to the phone thing. It just pisses me off when my cousins saw the rates they were like is that a joke... And compare the rates on and the Canadian sites like,,,, virgin mobile Canada...
I am really mad at this I just want to move out of this DUMB ASS COUNTRY with taxes at 15% oh ya they changed it to 14% tax like that is going to help ... Oh and I forgot to mention they have this little thing they don't even mention its called the system access fee that's like 7 dollars on top of that and 911 which is 25cents by the time the tax and everything comes that plan that seemed cheep looks very expensive

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So today I went to Downtown Toronto, to go to the Eaton Centre for the first time so we are outside and we see all these people gathering around this cage box with a black cloth over it, so we are like wtf and the people they are dressed up in stripes that prisoners wear. Apperantly it was something for promotion for Virgin Mobile, that they have a new thing that everyone gets to keep there old cell phone number when they move companies hense the slog "you are free" so anyways apperantly Sir Richard Branson was inside and they were going to lift the box up and then he was going to jump out or something so we are like hell ya we are staying to watch this... God forbid he fell, we could say we were there .... So then He just went up and came down by tieing the bed sheets together and when he came down he was giving away phones... I tried hard but I didnt get shit in the end... BUT IT WAS SOOOOOOO FUNNY the ppl in the jail suites put there boxes full of gum down and all these 3rd world imigrants were like steeling the gum it was sooo funny and one of them got caught and he ran away it was soooo funny. I saw Richard Branson on MTV Canada after that he has the biggest accent, but he is a really good man he is like donating 3 billion of his dollers to help stop global warming .... I saw some bitch protesting some shit and I wanted to go tell her to fuck off ... cause she didnt know what she was tlaking about BUT I didnt ... kept my cool LOL

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Nanny Diaries

OKay so I saw the preview for the new movie "the nanny diaries" and it looks pretty good, so the next day I went to Coles and bought the book. The book is really interesting and I like how they are always talking about fashion and stuff. Only thing I am pissed about is that Scarlett Johanssen is playing Nanny. My first choice would have been Piper Perabo... She just seems more in part for this movie... AND ALSO !!! Paul Giamoti as MR. X bad Idea ,,, watching the trailer now I could see that they changed some parts but all in all I think its going to have a certain loyalty to the book, and portray it in way that the book did... BUT Laura Linney ... PERFECT for Mrs. X !!!
I am half way through the book and I don't understand who Alicia Keys plays ?